Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Chai Time...

I was having a cup of tea with couple of my colleagues, when we saw an accident. 3 cars, crashing back-to-back, and the scene was quite horrifying. Thankfully, everybody escaped unhurt. What struck me at that point of time - "It could have been more devastating. People could have lost their lives. And anybody could have been a victim there - you, me, our friends". Oh boy, when you see such freaky things, you get a different kind of feeling. You feel thankful to God that no matter what the worries of life are, you are still alive. For a moment you forget your personal burdens, your professional desperation, & you wake up to a very refreshing thought - you are lucky to be here on this earth!!!

And hence, the bottom line is: Enjoy & more specifically Enjoy the very moment, the very today. Trash those worries, better keep them for tomorrow which is anyway uncertain :)

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