Monday, August 07, 2006

Passion - The most loosely used word

Ask a person: "What is your passion?" People who actually understand its meaning would struggle to answer such a question. However, the ones who have vague or no idea about the term will definitely come up with something.

Passion is doing something from heart. There is no string attached to whatever you do with passion. You do it because you enjoy doing it. You do it because it reduces the stress in you. You do it because it brings the best in you.

When we come to work place, we often listen to people telling about their passion and boast of saying that they love whatever they do. However, I strongly differ with those guys since they don't really prove what they say. My point is that when you have a passion, you don't feel stressed in doing that. eg, My passion is playing tennis. While playing I may get tired, I may seek some rest, but never really feel like stressed. Stress is something which comes when you don't really have deep interest in doing that. I never feel that playing tennis is a painful experience for me. I try to improve my game, concentrate as if there is no other thing in this world at that point. That's what called passion. Now coming to work place how many people (including me) really talk of concentrating like hell. Most of the time it is something forced on us. Hence, think twice when you say that you are passionate about your work.

I can’t imagine a person being successful in life without having a passion in life. If it is not there, then search for it. I strongly disagree with proponents who tell that “Passion can’t be generated”. I believe it can be, but requires lot of hard work and a “Passion to search for Passion" in your workplace.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Impossible is Nothing

If you believe you can't do this because of whatever reason it may be, then you have not met my brother. How could I say you that he has now become a source of inspiration to me. Now you must be wondering that what did he do which attracted my attention!!!

Let me give you a little background about him. A shy guy by nature, soft spoken, born and brought of in the heart of Orissa(Bhubaneswar). It's never a rosy career in his life. Always struggling and keep doing something to get to next level. His patience and self-confidence is probably worth praising. He was able to cross the hurdles of interviews in this competitive world with sheer hard work and perseverance. He deserves a pat on his back.

Perseverance and Self confidence can bring you ANY success in life. Don't think much. Just do it!!!