Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Salary - A Hygiene Factor!!!

I still remember the day when I received my 1st salary. It was sometime way back in 1st week of July, 2002. I was quite excited. With a bunch of new friends, we decided to go out & party that evening. It was quite a different feeling. I spent that money on many things like gifts, apparels, movies etc etc. I didn't complain on not having more. As time went on, I saw people in other companies getting more. That instigated in me to think "I wish I get a little more". And that gave rise to the creation of a new entity in my life called as Greediness. And it went on growing without my notice. My needs started growing. I moved from bike to small car. I am sure it will change to a big car in future. I changed my mobile phones from basic ones to more stylish ones & the list went on increasing :) Every time there is a salary rise, I suddenly see a new need in my life & within months I start cribbing about my salary not being enough. And, BTW, I am not the only person in this situation. I guess 99% of those who are reading this blog would agree to me. I asked myself - "Money buys happiness, but that happiness is very short-lived, why so???". Recently I went for a training on Leadership and I learned a very good thing- "Salary is more of a Hygiene factor, if not a motivation factor". And that's so true, Believe me!!!

BTW, by writing this gyan, it doesn't mean that I have transformed to a lesser greedy person, I still remain the same. Hence I need a salary hike this time :)                                            


M R said...

Well said Bijaya. The greed never stops. But Its amazing how our parents with their Government jobs and low salaries could manage things so well. We with our so called management degrees and MNC jobs are still struggling. Blame the consumerism or our increasing lifestyle. There is something definitely wrong and better be corrected.

Whacko said...

Remins me of my cliched statement - when my salary was 7000 (1st job) i saved 1000 rupees a month.
My next job at 20k , i still managed to save only 1 k , and now after obbscenely high packages, still 1k.

Ofcourse the PF i get at leaving the job ha sincreased but thats it.