How often do you see people getting inspired by their leaders? How often do you see people praising their leaders for their qualities? Well, in current setup of the IT Industry, it's a difficult proposition. You got to be lucky enough to get such people. If there are 100 managers, you would get to see only 2-3 really amazing leaders among them. Coffee Table Manager Gossips are more common these days. Well, the subordinates must not be blamed completely. I think it's the managers (who fail to become good leaders) are to be blamed equally.
Let's assume, more or less everybody is fair in this world. If a manager does good work, everybody likes him. He would still have some enemies. But at some corner of their heart, they carry some respect for whatever he is. It's more of jealousy that drives them to talk nasty about him. However, this population is often very less. In a team, if 90% of the people don't agree to the actions of a manager, then the manager needs to rethink. Well, 20% of the team can be wrong, but not 90%.
I want to see more leaders who can really inspire the average individuals to achieve impossible things. I feel, in our industry, leadership development has not yet matured. People get promoted to leadership positions just to fill in a vacancy or satisfy a business need or retain the talent, often untrained ones. I want to see a change in this space. I want the organizations to give a little more serious thought about leadership development programs. Otherwise, we all will be in a down-ward spiral.
I feel very strongly: "Inspiring leaders are like doctors, if you are ill they treat you, if you are healthy they make sure you stay healthy..." The goal of a great leader should be: "make the team win, not just individuals..."
I can see where it’s coming from. Well said Bijaya. We for sure need inspiring leaders. But I would also say, we need to look for inspiration (professional and personal) from places and people which are out of our “usual context” like Manager/ Boss / Super/ Boss/ CEO. Inspiration could come from completely crazy and unrelated sources. Example a music piece you were listening to or some waiter you saw doing a great service in hotel etc. Just a thought……think about it ;)
Try to become like flowing water. Water which is flowing will always finds it's way even if there is some hindrance that blocks it's way. The hindrance could also act as a Dam. Temporarily blocking the way of the flow. But when it does flow, it creates electricity.
BUT, try not to get cornered by hindrances from all the four sides, for then you would become a pond, and algae just love growing on one.
Always be a part of the flow. Never get stranded!
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