Monday, January 01, 2007

Why don't we compete with ourselves

There are two ways to become successful. One line of thought says: “Do something radically different”. Second line of thought says: “Focus on your strength”.

Do something radically different”: Google, Orkut are examples of such model. Google changed the face of internet through its path breaking innovation of “Search Engine”. Orkut in no time won the mind of million people through it’s innovative way to connect people. But the point is such examples are scarce. Probably one out of 1000 such cases succeeds.

Second line of thought, which I am a strong proponent of: “Focus on your strength”. Actually this is a sustainable approach in long term. Can you imagine: Sachin Tendulkar was sent back from MRF Pace Foundation since his performance as a bowler was unsatisfactory? Well that’s the truth. But the same guy came out to be one of the most prominent bats-man the world has ever seen. The idea to drive home is: Once you are aware of your strength, keep working on it, success will come to you eventually.

Sony is a good example. What do they do to sustain in the market? They know that their sound quality is one of the best. They focus on that, keep improving it everyday. Essentially they try to beat the competition before even it appears. To put it other way, they compete with their own products of past and try to beat them next time.

This is a good learning for Indian IT Industry. They should have taken steps to beat the MNCs before even they open their shops in India.

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