All throughout the morning I kept thinking about "entrepreneurship". I got stuck at the very definition of it. I am not sure whom actually we call as entrepreneur. Can I term a Grocery shopper as an entrepreneur? If not, why? Well I asked somebody about it and was really happy to get a very satisfying answer form him. It goes like this!
If somebody has done something remarkable for the society & economy, then he is an entrepreneur in true sense! That's absolutely correct. As per him, Captain Gopinath is an entrepreneur who belongs to highest category. He brought the concept of low frill carrier to
Now coming back to a grocery shopper, he is again an entrepreneur. But point is where does he go from here? Does he have any motivation or plan to serve the society in a bigger way? Probably not. In that case he belongs to the lowest possible category of entrepreneurship which in other words can be termed as “job substitution”.
Secondly, I believe, Entrepreneurship is just another mindset. If I am happy with my grocery shop, then I mayn't think of doing something else. But If I have a burning passion for doing something great for the society, then my thought pattern may change. I think that's what happens with the entrepreneurs.